An early start today, as even with only 85 miles to go it will take us 7 hrs due to the hills and the head wind. This means we leave before breakfast at our B and B but our hosts have provided us with a packed lunch.
We get up at 6 to try and leave just after 7. I feel very tired not really feeling up for it at all today. Eating sandwiches and crisps at 6.30am isn't easy but it has to be done.
The weather is dry but windy although not as bad as the wind yesterday evening. Once in the saddle, though it hurts, I feel better. Nik is struggling a bit to begin with his knee but we're all determined that having come this far we'll finish.
Just as we are reaching 30 miles, my friends Fiona and Tom (bff) pass with their brother in law Steve who is going to join us. He wants to ride the infamous Berriedale Braes which start in about 10 miles time. He's there waiting for us at the stop, with my parents and
Lawrence. Food stop and introductions over we make a start on the next 39 miles which will see us ride over the Braes.....basically 2 mile climb followed by flatish terrain then a 15% descent and then a 1/2 mile 13% climb.
Just after Helmsdale the climb starts, Steve sticks with us while the others take off... Younger and fitter and less weight to get uphill. You can see most of the climb so I decide we need some motivation... Switch my iPhone music on and play some Rocky soundtrack going up the hill to 'Hearts on Fire', 'Eye of the Tiger', 'Flying High' and 'Im a fighter' certainly helped and brought a smile to Steves face when I switched it on. I have to say thank you to Mr Fit Box(aka Paul Russell) for his inspirational music when exercising. Reaching the top the captain mentions that this is not the hardest climb but it was loooong. Waved and cheered on by Fiona and Tom I even manage to stand up near the top. Soon we're going down hill and another short uphill before we're on the 15% descent followed very quickly by a steep uphill with a switchback - always tricky on a tandem - but not too bad compared to the last climb.
Next stop Lybster where we have a lunch stop of hot drinks and soup joined by my mum and dad and my friends.
It's the last 32 miles next.... It feels odd to think that whilst at the same time looking forward to getting there. It's 1 pm and we'd like to finish by 3pm.
The captain sets the pace and we apparently were averaging 17 mph, reaching Wick, Dave asks to slow down as he doesn't think he can keep the pace up.. I'm not sure we slow down but he manages to keep up.
It's 17 miles from Wick to John o'Groats... Feeling quite elated and excited that our journey is nearly finished.... Then the Captain mentions the two hills still to come ( the disadvantage of doing the trip with someone who's done it before).
The first hill is not too bad, the second hill comes with 3 miles to go and lasts for a mile .... More Rocky soundtrack needed. Part way up the captain says his legs have gone... No way we're not slowing down and making the climb take longer...time to dig in and ignore the pain.. Another thank you to the Fit Box there... Or as Nik said this week 'Pain is only weakness leaving the body'
Reaching the top there is only 2 miles to go and it's all downhill. We regroup and the top and cycle together... Greeted by cheers from Lawrence( our support driver), my parents and Tom and Fiona... It's over.
Lots of photos and some champagne and congratulations. Amazing!! I even get an ice cream yummy. Next stop Glasgow in a car before heading home tomorrow.